Deloitte releases latest edition of Middle East PoV magazine
Deloitte has released the latest edition of its regional thought publication Middle East Point of View – with technology front and centre.
“For all you know, the words you are reading have been generated by a robot,” opens the latest issue of Deloitte thought leadership magazine Middle East Point of View. The words, however, are ascribed to the publication’s editorial team (presumably not a robot), as an introduction to the Summer 2019 edition’s theme, R/Evolution – which explores a number of issues around emerging technologies.
Following up from the Spring edition, ME PoV this time looks into among other topics; the big data landscape in the GCC; mobile device technology and its possibilities and challenges in respect to legal investigations; and the coming automation of auditing. Elsewhere, contributors cover concerns ranging from exponential Millennial professionals to the family business embrace of fresh tech.
In the lead article, the Deloitte authors lay out the case for the GCC to take a leading international role in the Big Data race, examining its current state of development across the Gulf. The article notes that while the GCC nations have recognised the opportunities offered by Big Data and set goals, some remain stuck in the planning phase and have yet to convert their plans into concrete actions.
In another of the feature articles, “The Black Mirror in your pocket?”, authors Nick Athanasi (who joined Deloitte Middle East to lead its growing forensics technology practice last year) and assistant director Boray Altunisler explore the complex opportunities and challenges associated with mobile technology in investigations and legal proceedings – with the rich data stored on mobile devices a potential ‘gold-mine’.
“The integration of the data held on mobile devices can unlock a less abridged story [than traditional emails etc.], with a more comprehensive timeline of their custodians’ activities, through combining disparate sources of data such as call logs, messaging applications, GPS coordinates, and many other forms of data either generated by the users, or collected automatically by mobile devices.”
There are, however, legal parameters to consider, along with handling and access issues. Meanwhile, “people want to carry out most of their mundane daily chores on their mobile phone,” states Faiq Khalid in another article on the embrace of technology among Middle Eastern family businesses, citing Abdulla Latif Jamil (the parent of lean consultancy Four Principles) as an example.
Khalid, an assistant director in Deloitte’s local Financial Advisory practice (valuation and modeling), continues; “Embracing technology is no longer a choice for a successful business, it is a requirement. This is particularly true for family offices in the Middle East.” Thankfully for local family businesses, Deloitte’s ME PoV publication is free of charge, downloadable through the firm’s website or via app.