Strategic Gears airs on national TV with report on Saudi economy

02 August 2024

Strategic Gears has hit the headlines in Saudi media, with its latest ‘Economic Outlook’ report and Riyadh-based director Anas Kamal featuring on national television.

In a special item on the state and outlook of the Saudi economy, national TV channel Al-Ekhbareya invited Strategic Gears – one of KSA’s leading management consulting firms – to provide its expert insights.

The consultancy firm was selected for the prestigious airtime thanks to a recent report it published titled ‘Economic Outlook 2024 for KSA’, in which the researchers shed light on the Kingdom’s macroeconomic performance across a range of economic and financial factors.

Economic analysis by Strategic Gears hits national Saudi TV

The report, part of Strategic Gears’ ongoing collection of publications focused on the KSA market, looks back at the Kingdom’s performance in the first six months of 2024 leveraging metrics such as gross domestic output, public finances, exports, labor market, and business sentiment, and analyzes growth prospects for the remainder of the year.

Government-owned Al-Ekhbareya is one of Saudi’s top news, business, and current affairs channels, with correspondents based across Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, and globally.

“Our coverage on Al-Ekhbareya underscores the significance of our work and its impact on the economic landscape of Saudi Arabia,” said Anas Kamal, the report’s lead author and a director at Strategic Gears in its Riyadh office.

Anas Kamal

In his work with clients, he works with ministries and government entities on developing strategies and products. Recent engagements include helping the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing with improving its housing products, and helping the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority with policy development.

In addition, Kamal led the teams responsible for launching the government procurement and tendering law to more than 600 government agencies, as well as improving its implementation practices and recommendations for procedural, technical and legal improvements.

Economic analysis by Strategic Gears hits national Saudi TV

At Strategic Gears, Kamal is also involved in the development of thought leadership, with the ‘Economic Outlook’ report the latest he co-penned. According to Kamal, having being able to present the report’s key findings on TV marked an “excellent opportunity to engage with business leaders across the Kingdom in a meaningful dialogue on such an important topic for the nation and their businesses.”

On air with Al-Ekhbareya

The interview can be re-watched on the site of Al-Ekhbareya, for those that rather digest the interview in a few lines…

Driven by growth in the non-oil sector, Saudi Arabia’s economy is expected to grow faster this year compared to the year previous, on the back of expansive Vision 2030 related spending and a growing tourism sector, among others.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s public financial management is robust, on the back of a strong credit rating profile, sustainable public debt, and significant foreign reserves. These and other factors offer the Kingdom a buffer against potential shocks.

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