Falak Consulting to host 3rd Unreasonable Thinking Summit in Bahrain

24 January 2019 Consultancy-me.com

The Falak Unreasonable Thinking Summit will back again this year for two days of innovation, disruption and out-of-the-box thinking in Bahrain.

Organised by Middle East management consultancy Falak Consulting, and taking its name from a George Bernard Shaw quote on progress, the Falak Unreasonable Thinking Summit will return this year for another round of discussions on ‘innovation, disruption and out-of-the-box thinking’ over two days in Bahrain at the beginning of March with support from local business development agencies Tamkeen and StartUp Bahrain.

With executives and members of the startup, corporate, government and student communities expected to attend, the summit will feature a line-up of local and international speakers from a diverse array of backgrounds who will share the latest in creativity and innovation, including among others Pixar animator Paul Topolos and Plastic Bank founder David Katz, which uses innovate, monetising solutions to prevent the flow of plastic into oceans.

“Creativity and Innovation have become the main driving force of the global economy in today’s ever-changing world, and if we are to realise Bahrain’s Economic Vision, especially in the area of economic diversification and sustainability, we must know what is happening around the world and learn from the success stories – as well as attempts – in the various fields,” said Falak founder and CEO Suhail Algosaibi.Falak Consulting to host 3rd Unreasonable Thinking Summit in BahrainEstablished in 2013 by Algosaibi and current Principal Director Maniza Dewan, who has spent more than ten years during her career as a consultant with Grant Thornton, PwC and Deloitte, Falak Consulting is a Manama-based management consultancy which provides organisational design, transaction advisory, market research, strategy and innovation services with experience in wide range of sectors, including financial services, retail, manufacturing and healthcare.

Speaking previously on the initial inspiration for the summit, which is now into its third year, Algosaibi said simply that he wanted to encourage more innovative thinking in the region. “The Middle East consists of developing nations and, sadly, we are consumers of innovation and create very little of it ourselves. We hardly invent any new technologies and don’t invest enough in research and development,” he said, in a view backed by a recent report from Strategy&.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man” - George Bernard Shaw

Bahrain, however, has been making strides – with the Kingdom noted in a recent KPMG report as having the most liberalised and competitive ICT sector in the GCC, as well as the most mature telecom market, somewhat highlighted by Amazon Web Services selecting the Kingdom for its soon-to-be launched Middle East data centre. In addition, the local fintech hub Bahrain Fintech Bay was officially established at the start of last year, with Roland Berger among its founding partners, while the government has recently passed a raft of world-leading laws in support of open banking.

“We are so proud to organise the Falak Unreasonable Thinking Summit for the 3rd consecutive year,” said Algosaibi of the free-of-charge but limited capacity event, with a press statement from the consulting firm outlining that the purpose of the summit is to “educate and inspire the Bahraini Business community, especially startup entrepreneurs. And to show the Kingdom of Bahrain in a positive light and help position it as a centre for creativity, innovation and excellence.”