KPMG Bahrain supports students attending audit simulation studies in Asia

15 July 2019

KPMG in Bahrain has sponsored four local students to attend the first ever international audit simulation programme held by Sunway TES Centre of Accountancy Excellence in Malaysia.

The Bahraini branch of global professional services firm KPMG has through its Hussain Kasim Internship programme sent four students from Bahrain Polytechnic to Malaysia to participate in the first international audit simulation course hosted by Sunway TES in conjunction with  the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Established to promote high-level accounting training in Malaysia, the Sunway TES Centre of Accountancy Excellence (CAE) is a collaborative initiative between Sunway College and leading international accounting bodies The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), together with support from the local Big Four and BDO.

“Since the inception of Sunway TES in 1994, we have nurtured more than 6,000 ACCA graduates,” said Teo Ee Sing, Executive Director at Sunway College, at the commencement of the course. “Through the long established strategic partnership with PwC, EY, Deloitte, KPMG and BDO, it is our hope that Sunway TES can continue its culture of excellence and continue to create inspirational interventions for students to accomplish their goals.”

KPMG Bahrain supports students attending audit simulation studies in Asia

Having been running in Malaysia since 2015, Sunway TES CAE together with the ACCA have now hosted the first international installation of the Sunway TES-ACCA Global Audit Simulation Programme – described as the first and only real-world case-based audit simulation programme – with more than 50 international students joining from Sultan Qaboos University of Oman, Dubai’s Middlesex University, and Bahrain Polytechnic among others.

The four representatives from the latter – Bahrain Polytechnic – have been supported in their journey through KPMG Bahrain’s Hussain Kasim Internship Program, the firm’s ongoing internship and youth development initiative. According to the firm, of the 38 teams worldwide which participated in the programme, the team from Bahrain was the only team from the Middle East to be ranked in the top five.

This, KPMG Bahrain says, is “a testament of the quality of the educational and practical background the accounting students obtain,” with the participating students having had to have completed prerequisites in Corporate and Business Law, Performance Management and Taxation in pursuit of ACCA qualifications to be eligible to attend the Sunway TES Global Audit Simulation Programme in Malaysia.

“In its previous installations, the Simulation Programme has been proven to enhance students’ knowledge through practical learning, exposure to real life audit and the opportunity to secure employment offers from the reviewing firms,” said Teo Ee Sing at the induction for last month’s programme, which he added was designed toward the development of practical audit work skills through effective time management, teamwork, communication and leadership.

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